google-site-verification=zsLknblUv9MPpbGfVx9l3sfhCtAjcEQGFzXwTpBAmUo Potensi Saham BKSL | 29 Januari 2018 Langsung ke konten utama

Potensi Saham BKSL | 29 Januari 2018

Potensi Saham BKSL

CG  : Key Take Away BKSL
‌Buy Back Program and More JV in 2018

‌ PT Sentul City TBK makes 2018 Direct Investment Guide with BKSL President Director, Keith Steven Muljadi.
‌Steven Muljadi said Prospect Bksl in this Year will be the golden & prosperity year. It is among them:
‌1.PT Sentul City Tbk and Sumitomo Corporation agreed to form a joint venture with a total issued capital of Rp 333 billion. The details of share ownership: PT Sentul City Tbk amounted to Rp 99.9 billion or equivalent to 30% in the joint venture. The Sumitomo Corporation amounted to Rp 233.1 billion or 70% ownership
‌2. The price of land in Sentul is still one third of the buffer zone of Jakarta. Sentul land is still at the price of Rp 7 million. While in Tangerang has reached Rp 25 million.
‌3. LRT (Light Rail Transit). Will make it easier for people of Sentul and Bogor to have Travel time 40 minutes. So no need to use private vehicles.
‌4. Land Reserve The largest bank in Indonesia is 55,000 (HA).
‌5. Currently BKSL with PP Property (PPRO) make JV capital RP 100 Billion
‌6. Cheap Credit with interest below 10% . This is caused by the number of new customers who have the first house in the area sentul.
‌7.  BKSl prestige project with Group 70 based in Honolulu creates "Silicon Valley Indonesia" which is named Sentul City Tech Center of 140 (HA)
‌8. AEON will make Recurring Income starting 2018.AEON Mall, continued Steven, in the area of ​​a total area of ​​8.8 hectares will also be built four apartment towers, one office building and one five star hotel.
‌9. BKSL Consider to Buy Back Program cause the price is too low not reflecting  valuation.
‌Steven ensures BKSL will be the best property investment 2018.


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